What is a HRT procedure?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment that supplements hormones when the body is not making enough on its own. HRT is used to treat symptoms of menopause in cisgender women and hormone deficiency in transgender women and men. The goal of HRT is to replenish hormone levels, relieving negative symptoms.
The most common reasons people undergo HRT include:

HRT regimens are customized to meet a patient’s needs and administered under medical supervision. The most common delivery methods include:

The Harmony Hormone Clinic offers cutting-edge HRT programs for both transgender and cisgender patients. Under the supervision of Dr. Sienna Moss, a leading endocrinologist and LGBTQ healthcare specialist, customized regimens are tailored to your unique goals. State-of-the-art therapies, delivered with care and expertise.

HRT dosages are typically adjusted over time to match natural hormone ranges. Follow-up blood work helps monitor progress. Patients usually notice effects within a few weeks to months, but maximum changes take 2-5 years.

Key effects of feminizing HRT:

  • Breast growth

    • Begins in 3-6 months, takes 2-5 years for full development

  • Decreased muscle mass

    • Loss of upper body strength towards female range

  • Softening skin

    • More delicate skin texture, less oil production

  • Decreased sperm production

  • Shrinking testicles

  • Less facial/body hair growth

    • Softer, lighter hair growth

Masculinizing HRT effects:

  • Facial/body hair growth

    • Coarser hair on chest, abdomen arms and legs

  • Deepened voice

    • Voice pitch drops, sounds crackly during transition

  • Increased muscle mass

    • Upper body strength increase towards male range

  • Fat redistribution

    • Shift hips/thigh fat to abdominal fat

  • Menstrual cycle cessation

    • Ovulation and menstruation stops

  • Increased sex drive

    • Greater arousal and intensified orgasms

Harmony Hormone Clinic welcomes those embarking on their transition journey. Contact us today to learn about expertly-managed HRT options that help you realize your authentic self.

There are some health risks associated with HRT. Patients are monitored for side effects like blood clots, gallstones, heart disease and breast cancer. Lifestyle factors like smoking, obesity and family histories are considered. Harmony Hormone Clinic specializes in risk assessment and early intervention.

Many patients report greatly improved emotional well-being and quality of life on HRT regimens tailored to their needs. Consulting an endocrinologist to create a customized plan supports safe, effective treatment. Harmony Hormone Clinic has supported over 5,000 transition journeys with individually-calibrated care.

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