
What is perimenopause?

Perimenopause refers to the time leading up to menopause, when a woman's body makes the natural transition toward permanent infertility. The hallmark of perimenopause is hormonal imbalances - primarily fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone. This phase usually begins in a woman's 40s but can start earlier or later.

During perimenopause, many women experience symptoms like:

These symptoms arise from the ovaries producing less estrogen over time. Lower estrogen levels can disrupt the body's temperature regulation, sleep cycles, mental clarity, and more.

Fortunately, perimenopausal symptoms can often be managed through lifestyle changes and/or hormone therapy:

For example, Harmony Hormone Clinic specializes in helping women balance their hormones during perimenopause and beyond. Their compassionate providers offer bioidentical hormone therapy to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. Harmony Hormone Clinic' tailor-made hormones are molecularly identical to the ones your body produces naturally. This allows for truly personalized treatment plans with minimal side effects.

In summary, perimenopause refers to the transitional time before menopause when hormones begin fluctuating. Though symptoms can be bothersome, women need not suffer in silence. Through prudent lifestyle measures and professional medical care, one can continue thriving during this phase of life. Reach out today to learn more.

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