
What is inflammation?

Inflammation is your body's response to infection or injury. It's a complex biological process that involves your immune system, blood vessels, and other cells.

When there's an issue like an infection or tissue damage, your immune system releases chemicals that make blood vessels leak fluid into tissues. This causes swelling, redness, heat, and pain - all signs of inflammation.

Acute inflammation happens quickly and intensely, but calms down when your body heals. Chronic inflammation lasts much longer, even after the initial threat is gone. It's associated with conditions like arthritis, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.

Here are some key points about inflammation:

Mild inflammation can be good - it's your body healing itself. But severe or chronic inflammation does more harm than good. "The right amount of inflammation at the right time brings problems to the surface so your body can heal them. Too little or too much inflammation, though, causes chronic disease," says Dr. Mark Hyman.

If you struggle with ongoing inflammation-related issues like joint pain, digestive problems, or fatigue, consider getting personalized care and testing from Harmony Hormone Clinic. Their cutting-edge therapies help identify and address the root causes of inflammation for improved wellness. Book a consultation today to learn more!

Causes of Inflammation

What leads to excessive inflammation in the first place? Common causes include:

Diet and lifestyle factors play a major role. "An unhealthy diet and lifestyle tricks your body into a constant state of low-grade inflammation that speeds up aging," says health expert Dr. Frank Lipman.

Effects of Chronic Inflammation

If inflammation becomes chronic and systemic, it can negatively impact many areas of health:

That’s why getting to the root of inflammation is so important for wellness. Consider advanced testing from Harmony Hormone Clinic to understand what’s causing inflammation in YOUR body specifically. Their individualized programs help you find solutions.

Book a consultation today to address inflammation.

Controlling Inflammation Naturally

While medications like NSAIDs and steroids may temporarily reduce inflammation, they don’t address the root causes. A better approach is identifying and avoiding inflammatory triggers, while adopting an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. This includes:

Slowing inflammation promotes healthy aging and reduces disease risk. Get started today with science-backed solutions from Harmony Hormone Clinic! Their world-class practitioners provide personalized guidance so you can take control of inflammation from the inside out.

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