
Infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant after having regular, unprotected sex for six months to one year, depending on your age. It affects an estimated 1 in 8 couples in the United States.
There are two main categories of infertility:

What Causes Infertility?

There are many potential causes of infertility in both men and women:

In Women

- Ovulation disorders, meaning eggs are not being released properly. This accounts for about 25% of female infertility cases.
- Uterine or cervical abnormalities, like tumors or inflammation. This makes up another 25% of cases.
- Fallopian tube damage or blockage, often from past infections.

In Men

- Sperm disorders, meaning too few sperm, slow moving sperm, or abnormally shaped sperm. This is the cause in about 30-40% of infertility cases.
- Genetic issues
- Health conditions

Evaluating Infertility

If you have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for 6 months to 1 year, make an appointment with a fertility specialist.

Initial tests will likely include:

From there, treatment options can include:

Harmony Hormone Clinic specializes in holistic hormone treatments to improve conditions like ovulation disorders or poor sperm quality. Our treatments have helped over 500 couples finally get pregnant when other options failed. Book a consult today to learn more!

I struggled for years before finally having success with Harmony Hormone Clinic. I highly recommend them to anyone dealing with infertility issues. The staff is so supportive and passionate about helping people start families.

Take control of your fertility, book a consult.

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